School is almost done. Only one more week left and then we're done for a month. I'm super excited. This is going to be the best Christmas break ever. I'm only a freshman so I haven't had a Christmas break a month long for about 13 years. So far we've had a good amount of snow for winter so I'm going to be doing a good amount of sledding and skiing and hopefully snowboarding. I went cross country skiing once since the snow fell and it was pretty fun. Hopefully I'll do it more this year than last years. I always say to myself that I'm going to go a lot, but I only go once or twice a year. I haven't even gone snowboarding for 2-3 years, Probably because its so expensive if you don't have your own board. Even if you do have your own board its really expensive. The down side of Christmas, though, is Christmas shopping. Although I love to buy people presents, it gets to be to stressful and expensive. I try to keep my budget in between $150-$200. That's about 20 dollars per person. My two sister, parents, brother-in-laws, and girlfriend. I don't work that much in the winter, so I try to spend as little money as possible. I'm not trying to be cheap, it's just the way it is when you don't work. My birthday and Christmas are less than a month away, so I kind of get a bad deal. My parents usually get me something small for my birthday, and focus more on Christmas. It used to bother me when I was little, but when you get older you don't care about presents as much as when you're a little kid. I really shouldn't be complaining at all because I just got a flat screen T.V. for my birthday/ graduation present yesterday.
Well I only have to worry about two more classes now. I have my Adobe Illustrator final project done, and my Design Fundamentals project done as well. All I need to worry about is Written Communications and Intro. to College Math. I am kind of worried about next semester though. Mostly because of speech though. I can't stand speaking in front of people. I always start stuttering and stop making sense. But I have to take, so I'm going to stop thinking about it. Well this has been my final blog post. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my life and life problems, the few of you that have read them. Fair Well.
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