This Thanksgiving was pretty fun. I didn't travel anywhere. My family just stayed around in Trempealeau. It was my parents, my sisters and their husbands, my grandma and I. We usually go to Milwaukee for Thanksgiving to visit my dads side of the family, but it's usually really hectic so we didn't want to go there this year. Most of my day was spent sitting on a recliner playing super Nintendo with my brother-in-law. We played NHL '93, which is a very hard game to get used to. It was kind of uncomfortable in my house though because our loft doesn't have any flooring right now, so we were walking on some weird floor made of particle board. The meal was awesome. We had turkey, obviously, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole(GBC), stuffing, squash, coleslaw, that cranberry stuff that know one ever eats, and rolls. Then we had cherry pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, and cheese cake. I was stuffed after it was all done. We had tons left-overs, which is the best part of having Thanksgiving at your own house. The next morning everyone had left-overs for breakfast. My older sister and her husband had to leave Friday morning to go to work, so it was kind of disappointing that they could only stay one night.
It's going to be my birthday on Sunday and I'm going to be 19. I'm kind of disappointed leaving 18. I don't know why, usually people want to get into their twenties as fast as they can but I like being a teenager and I only have one more year of being one. It seems like going from 19 to 20 is a big jump in age. To me it feels like your going from a youthful teenager to a maturing adult. So now I'm figuring out my plans for tonight to celebrate my b-day. I'm pretty excited for Tuesday though because I'm participating in No Shave November and I will finally get to shave on Tuesday.
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