I think that Facebook is the most distracting thing for people my age. I am guilty of being an FB user, but I don't even know why I go on it. I just log onto my page and stare and for some reason you can spend hours on it. I used to go on it every day, but now I'm realizing I could be doing more with my day than reading about how horrible John Dow's day was, or what Mary Jane has to do tomorrow. People write the stupidest things in their status. I don't care if someone is eating ice cream while watching the Amazing Race, or if someone is going to take a nap before there next class. These are real ones that I've read before.
Facebook is so distracting because I'll be doing something on the computer for school and I'll go to Facebook just to see if anything new has happened, then I start looking at other peoples profiles, then someone starts chatting me and next thing you know it's midnight and I still have to type a 3 page essay. For example, I have to write this blog for Written Communications and I'm Facebook chatting two other people right now and every time I can't think of anything to write, I go onto my Facebook page. So I could have had this blog done by now but I only have half of it done all because of Facebook.
It seems like all of my friends have the same feelings towards FB. They have one and go on it all the time, but they don't even like it and say they're going to get rid of it soon. I also have these same feelings for it. I hate admitting that I go on Facebook a lot but it's true. The only real reason that I have it now is so I can keep in touch with all my friends that went away for school, so I think that's a pretty good reason for having it.
Facebook is so distracting because I'll be doing something on the computer for school and I'll go to Facebook just to see if anything new has happened, then I start looking at other peoples profiles, then someone starts chatting me and next thing you know it's midnight and I still have to type a 3 page essay. For example, I have to write this blog for Written Communications and I'm Facebook chatting two other people right now and every time I can't think of anything to write, I go onto my Facebook page. So I could have had this blog done by now but I only have half of it done all because of Facebook.
It seems like all of my friends have the same feelings towards FB. They have one and go on it all the time, but they don't even like it and say they're going to get rid of it soon. I also have these same feelings for it. I hate admitting that I go on Facebook a lot but it's true. The only real reason that I have it now is so I can keep in touch with all my friends that went away for school, so I think that's a pretty good reason for having it.
I know what you mean. It is like when ever I open up the internet, facebook is the first place I go. And there is nothing important to be found on facebook.