While I was driving to school the other day, I was thinking about what I should talk about in my next blog. I couldn't think of anything, so I started looking around at things on the side of the road. Maybe something would spark my eyes. As I attempted to drive through a traffic, it all of a sudden turned yellow. I slammed on my breaks and slid for about 15 yards. While cussing at the poor condition of my breaks, a spark lit. So I decided to write a simple post about my car.
I drive a 1991 Chevy Caprice. Although its not the coolest wheels on the road by any means, I still love it and I love driving it. My parents originally bought the car from an old couple down the street for my older sister, who was currently moving to the Twin Cities to go to college. After getting into various accidents, we quickly found out that the caprice was not a versatile city vehicle. So after a couple of months, the car was back at our house.
The caprice has been around with me through many interesting experiences. I got pulled over for the first time driving it because it was to loud. I crashed in the ditch the first time in it, quickly realizing that trying to do donuts in a snow storm is not cool. I got in my first accident in it, realizing that following someone closely with bad breaks is also not smart. But I can truly say that I am a wiser person after going through with these bad experiences.
As much as I love the Caprice, it definitely has its flaws. The radio hasn't worked for about two years. The air conditioning hasn't ever worked since we've owned it. The breaks are bad, the brights don't work, it doesn't have shocks, it doesn't have a grill. It sounds as if it has no muffler, although it does have one.
The Caprice was my first car that I drove on a day to day bases, but my first actual car was a Volkswagen Van in which I had for about 2 1/2 years. It was fun until it broke. Many people don't understand the relationship that guys have between their cars. As lame as that sounds, I still think it's true. But when someone else sees the Caprice as just an old rust bucket sitting in the driveway, I see a cool car filled with youthful memories that I'll remember for a long time.